Learn how Ontario-based Essential Auto uses Revv to automate ADAS diagnostics and capture calibrations for itself and collision shops
Essential Auto Calibration & Glass is Ottawa's first and only standalone calibration facility.
Michael Frangione has been in the bodyshop world ever since he was a kid. In January 2023, Essential Auto Calibration & Glass opened after realizing Ottawa desperately needed a calibration facility outside the dealership world. They felt technicians in dealerships weren’t adequately trained on ADAS and didn’t have the right shop requirements to complete calibrations correctly or safely.
So the team gutted out an entire building and fitted it out to create the perfect environment to perform comprehensive, safe ADAS calibrations from laser leveled floors down to even the color of the walls. Today, Essential Auto completes windshield repairs and ADAS calibrations for itself, and over 60 shops and clients in the Ottawa Area.
Every time a car came into Essential Auto to be calibrated, Michael and his team had to login to different OEM portals and dig through documentation to find and cross-reference the right calibration requirements. This was taking him up to 60 minutes per car putting the brakes on how efficiently he could perform calibrations.
This process was made worse by how quickly ADAS technology evolves. Every new vehicle model comes with new sensors and requirements, making it hard to keep track of what calibrations are needed for each car that comes in.
Michael was using ADAS diagnostic tools to help him navigate this, but they weren’t great. If a tool is helping Essential Auto find and perform calibrations that can save-lives, that tool needs be undoubtedly trustworthy and the ones Michael kept coming across weren’t. They were missing critical ADAS calibrations or, in the case of one popular diagnostics tool, weren’t compatible with any German vehicle.
Essential Auto needed a solution that efficiently pinpointed ADAS calibrations with accuracy, had better vehicle coverage, and could be rolled out to all of their partner shops to centralize their ADAS workflow. Fortunately, Michael found Revv at SEMA.
Revv helps me to not go through 100-page documents for every single vehicle. I know I can trust Revv and it saves me and my team a lot of time.
Benefit #1: Capturing more calibrations in seconds
RevvADAS is the trustworthy partner Michael was looking for. Our platform integrates with Essential Auto’s estimating software to automatically turn repair estimates into an ADAS report in a matter of seconds. Since Revv uses AI to synthesize the latest OEM data, Michael no longer has to manually hunt for calibration requirement the requirements and how to perform them are brought directly to him.
With Revv, Michael and his team are capturing more calibration requirements than ever before across every vehicle that comes into their shop. These calibrations would have been missed by other platforms.
Benefit #2: Increasing ADAS capacity and servicing more shops
Essential Auto has installed an instance of their own Revv account into their partner shops to streamline the entire ADAS workflow. Now, each shop has their own login and can run their own calibration reports from their estimates through Revv. If a calibration is required, they book an appointment with Michael. It's the perfect example of how Revv is designed to help shops expand to service multiple other shops. It enables each shop to cast a wider net, increasing the ADAS recalibration service capacity for the entire market.
Benefit #3: Document trail for insurance
Essential Auto makes sure to save their Revv calibration report and send a copy to bodyshops, who upload it to insurance companies. This gives Michael peace of mind knowing that, if he ever needs to revisit a vehicle, every party Essential Auto, the partner shop, and the insurance company has a copy of the documentation.
Michael said: The amount of calibrations we’d done has definitely increased. Revv captures everything from a night vision calibration to a steering angle sensor calibration really any sort of calibration. It captures calibrations that would have been missed by other platforms for sure.
In Michael's words: The Revv team has been really great to work with. It was a seamless transition when we first onboarded and, ever since then, the team has added a lot of new features to the platform. They’re constantly releasing key features that shops need.